Ashland Field Trip 2019

Gunn-Paly Oregon Shakespeare Festival Trip April 11 through 14.

Dear Gunn Theatre Students and their Parents:

The annual Gunn-Paly Oregon Shakespeare Festival Trip is coming up April 11 in 2019. In case you are new to the program, here is some insight about this trip. To begin with, it is limited to only 21 Gunn students (along with 21 Paly students). We set some eligibility requirements so that the students who have given the most to the program get the first opportunities to go. Below is important information about eligibility for the trip.

Total expenses for the trip, which include round-trip bus transportation, three nights lodging at the Columbia Hotel, tickets to four plays, four workshops, Saturday brunch with members of the OSF community, and teacher-led discussions before and following each play will be $550.00. Except for the brunch, food expenses are not included in this amount.

I do want to make it clear that no student will be turned away from this trip for lack of funds. The Gunn Theatre Boosters will be able to help any family with an eligible student who is chosen for the trip. If you need help with the deposit as well, please let me know right away so that your student’s name can be included in those who are considered for selection for the trip.

This trip uses teachers from Gunn and Paly as chaperones as a way to help build a unified Palo Alto educational theater community. The trip is always a highlight of the year in Gunn Theatre.

Gunn-Paly Oregon Shakespeare Festival Trip April 2019 Information

  • Total expenses for the trip, which include round-trip bus transportation, three nights lodging at the Columbia Hotel, tickets to the four plays, four workshops, set changeover in Bowmer theatre, Saturday brunch, and teacher and OSF performer-led discussions will be $550.00. Except for the brunch, FOOD EXPENSES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THIS AMOUNT.
  • There are twenty-one places for Gunn students on the trip and twenty-one for Paly students.
  • Only active and involved theatre students are eligible. You must be working on or off stage for two of the four Gunn Theatre productions this year (including Broadway Workshop). On Monday, January 21st eligible students will be selected in order of class ranking, and a waiting list will be created at that point.
  • This is a District-approved field trip. You will be missing two days of school (Thursday April 11 and Friday April 12). You will be responsible for all work missed as a result of participation in this activity.
  • We will stay at the Columbia Hotel on Main Street in Ashland, Oregon.
  • We will see the following four plays presented by the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and a musical presented by a nearby theatre company:

Our group will enjoy an actor-led acting workshop, pre-show warm-ups and post show discussions, a celebratory brunch with members of the company whom we invite, as well as a one hour pre-brunch discussion by a selected company member.

  • For the first time, we will be participating in TWO workshops (Costume Design and Mask/Movement) at Southern Oregon State University!
  • You may reserve a place by filling out the accompanying application and attaching a CHECK for $250.00, payable to GUNN THEATRE BOOSTERS as deposit towards your total expenses, and submitting to Mr. Shelby by lunch Monday, January 24th.