Participate 2018-2019

Opportunities Abound in the Gunn Theatre Department


Students interested in acting, whether or not they are enrolled in a theatre class, are welcome to attend auditions. Check the Shows page and the Calendar on that page for upcoming dates and audition information.

Tech Roles

Everyone is welcome to get involved in tech. Enrollment in Tech Class is not required. If you are interested in joining a crew, contact the technical director.

Stage Manager
Is responsible for everything in the show. Makes sure everything is on schedule, people are where they need to be. Calls cues for the show, and has ultimate responsibility. Works with directors, and all crew heads. Reports to the director and the technical director. Is required to be at all rehearsals, including Q to Q, tech and dress, all performances, and strike night.

Assistant Stage Manager
Works directly with the stage manager to make sure everything is ready to go. Is responsible for all activity backstage and scene changes during the performance, and is required to be at all tech rehearsals, Q to Q, dress rehearsals, performances and strike night.

Master Carpenter
Works directly with the director and technical director to come up with the scenic design for the play. Needs to decide how the set will be constructed. Organizes the construction crew to build the set. Is required to be at all tech rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and strike night.

Paint Head
Works directly with the director, technical director and master carpenter to paint the set. Responsible for the acquisition or materials and organizing paint crew. Will attend all tech rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and strike night.

Costume Head
Works directly with the director and technical director to come up with costumes for the production. Responsible for the acquisition and construction of all costumes along with organizing crew and fitting cast members. Will attend all dress rehearsals, as well as all tech rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and strike night.

Props Head
Works directly with the director, technical director and costume head to come up with a complete props list, organize props crew, prepare a props table, and responsible for acquiring props. Needs to attend all tech rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and strike night.

Light Head
Works directly with the director, master carpenter, technical director and costume head to design the lights. Works with the lighting crew to hang and focus lights, to come up with the patch sheet, and program the cues in the light board. Needs to attend all tech rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and strike night.

Sound Head
Works directly with the director and technical director to find sounds and music for the production. Works on sound levels, location of cues in the play, and maintenance of sound equipment. Attends all tech rehearsals, dress rehearsals and strike night.

Makeup Head
Works directly with the director, technical director and costume head to design makeup for actors. Responsible for acquiring makeup and organizing and training makeup crew and actors. Attends all tech rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and strike night.

House Manager
Is responsible for knowing how many seats the theater can hold and how many tickets are sold each night. Designs the program, making sure that all crew and cast are in the program, with their names and titles spelled correctly, and makes and collates copies of it. Makes sure that the house is clean before each show and after each show. Is responsible for getting ushers for each performance. Acquires and sells concessions at intermission. Works with the stage manager to open the doors of the theatre and close the doors of the theatre. Works directly with publicity on dispensing posters and banners for the production. Is required to be at dress rehearsals, all performances and at strike night.

Publicity Head
Responsible for organizing publicity crew, and choosing and printing the posters made by the graphic design class. Sends out press release with photos. Is responsible for getting posters up and sending information to the announcements, and working with TBN for special footage.

Run Crew
Is responsible for the movement of all scenery and props on the stage during the performance. Works with the stage manager, assistant stage manager and the props head to make sure that the stage is cleaned and everything is in place for each show. Required to be at all tech rehearsals, dress rehearsals, all performances, and strike night.

Sound Operator
Works directly with the sound head to run the sound board during the show. Required to be at all tech rehearsals, dress rehearsals, all show days, and strike night. This position may be filled by the sound head.

Work directly with the house manager to make sure the theatre is cleaned before and after performances, tickets are sold and taken, and programs are handed out. Ensure that audience members do not use cell phones or flash photography.

Other Crew Members
Work with respective tech heads. Enrollment in the Tech Class in not required. May be on multiple crews. May include jobs such as Light Operator, Sound Operator, Follow Spot, etc.