Welcome to Gunn Theatre for 2018-19!! We take great pride in producing wonderful shows and exploring the richness to be found in theatrical expression, whether in the form of performance, writing, designing, singing, or any of the other myriad modes of communication that theater affords. Glad you’re here!!
Gunn’s Fall 2018 Play: Metamorphoses by Mary Zimmerman

You don’t need to know a thing about Greek mythology to understand and enjoy Metamorphoses. In adapting Ovid’s Metamorphoses for the stage, theatre visionary Mary Zimmerman has created a work of stunning beauty and emotion. Her fanciful updating of the Latin classic was a surprise hit on Broadway. We have assembled a cast of nineteen Gunn actors, each of whom plays multiple roles, to bring to the stage a most memorable production. In addition, the stage crew has constructed an unbelievably beautiful set surrounding a POOL of WATER on stage. The stories of Ovid and Metamorphoses have a vital, enduring, and universal quality which touches something inside each of us. This powerful, timely, and timeless piece of theatre is just right for these “interesting times” and is not to be missed. See you at the theatre! Purchase Metamorphoses tickets here!
Opening Night Lecture and Gala Friday, November 2nd at 6:00 p.m.
Tech Class meets Tuesdays after school!
2019 Student-Directed One-Acts
In The Heights!!
Gunn’s Spring Musical is Lin Manuel Miranda’s astounding IN THE HEIGHTS, March 15th-23rd 2019 in Spangenberg Theatre. Click the following for all the info–including how to buy tickets!!
Come celebrate opening night with wonderful Greek treats and lively company. You are sure to enjoy the show even more after hearing another one of our scholar emeritus Mr. Tim Farrell’s illuminating talks. Tickets are $25 for this evening and it will be held in the Gunn Faculty Lounge. Proceeds support the Gunn Theatre Boosters. Purchase Tickets HERE!
- Friday November 2nd:
- 6pm: Opening Night Gala
- 7:30pm: Evening Performance
- Saturday November 3rd: Evening Performance: 7:30pm
- Wednesday, November 7th Matinee Performance: 4pm
- Thursday November 8th Matinee Performance: 4pm
- Friday November 9th: Evening Performance: 7:30pm
- Saturday November 10th:
- 2pm Matinee Performance
- 7:30pm Evening Performance
METAMORPHOSES Rehearsals are M, W, Th, Fri from 3:45-6pm;
METAMORPHOSES Potluck rehearsals go from 10-6 both weekends before we open: October 20-21 and October 27-28;
METAMORPHOSES Tech week: M-Th Oct 29, 30, [31] Nov. 1 rehearsals until 9pm!
Gunn Theatre Photo Gallery
Gunn’s Student Directed One-Acts:
TBD, 2019 in the Studio Theatre Six one-act plays directed by our Gunn Theatre students. All plays are performed each evening of the run!
Student Directed One-Acts Auditions are in March, performances are in May, 2019.
Special Event!

You’re Invited: Palo Alto Players’ ONE MAN TWO GUVNORS to benefit PALY/GUNN Theater Boosters
Palo Alto Players theatre company has a tradition of giving back to the community by partnering with a local nonprofit for each of their productions. The PALY and GUNN High Schools Theater Boosters has been chosen as Players’ non-profit partner for the British farce ONE MAN, TWO GUVNORS, a hilarious mash-up of mistaken identities, slapstick, and song based on the classic comedy, The Servant of Two Masters. Palo Alto Players will be collecting donations for PALY and GUNN in their lobby throughout the production, which runs June 14-30 at the Lucie Stern Theater in Palo Alto. Learn more about the show at paplayers.org. The show is recommended for ages 14 and up.
You can take advantage of some wonderful local theater, while also supporting the PALY and Gunn theatre programs. Palo Alto Players is offering $10 off adult and student* tickets for every performance (excluding preview night) by using promo code PALYGUNN10. Order online at paplayers.org or call 650.329.0891.
Support Gunn Theatre by becoming a Booster! You can do this by donating with the yellow slip that came with this year’s registration materials, or by checking the web page! Your support allows us to purchase the equipment, costumes, and supplies that are needed to run a top-notch theatre program!
Ashland Field Trip 2019 Information
…coming soon.
In this section:
- 2018-2019 Performances
- Participate 2018-2019
- Program Overview 2018-2019
- Ashland Field Trip 2019
- Calendar
- Young Playwrights Project 2018-2019
- Director 2018-2019