Annual Ashland Adventure

WHEN: Each spring, a group of about 20 Gunn and 20 Paly theatre students (with teachers) attend the Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon. Details are provided here, in theatre classes, and in the Green Room as soon as specific details are known, usually shortly after winter break. The trip dates are listed on the calendar.

WHO MAY PARTICIPATE: Any student who has contributed to TWO or MORE major Gunn Theatre productions during that school year (including the One Acts which run later in the spring) may apply. Actors, techies and crew members all qualify. Seniors are given preference if applicants exceed the number of spaces, then juniors, etc. This is a school sanctioned trip, but students are responsible for alerting other teachers of their absence ahead of time, and arranging with their teachers to make up all work.

TRANSPORTATION: Everyone rides in a comfortable coach-style bus– a 7-8 hour trip each way.

ACCOMMODATIONS: Everyone stays at the Columbia Hotel–within walking distance of the Ashland theatres. Usually, 3-4 students share a room. Bathrooms are down the hall.

SHOWS: Students attend 4 or 5 shows over the long weekend, at least one of which will be a Shakespeare production.

COST: As a group we get a very good deal, but the trip still costs about $500/person for transportation, lodging, play tickets and Saturday morning brunch with festival actors and technicians. It is our hope that families who are able to pay the full cost of their student’s trip will do so, and that where possible families will also contribute something extra to help cover the cost for students who need it. Theatre Boosters raises funds to ensure that eligibility is not based on the ability to pay.

Download this year’s Ashland application form.