A Midsummer Night’s Dream March 2016

by William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

This is one of Shakespeare’s delightful and hilarious exploration of the vagaries of love.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream Tech week: M-W March 14th-16th rehearsals until 9pm. Tickets sell quickly, so don’t wait – BUY TICKETS NOW!

Performance and Double Cast Information!

Important Info!

  • Rehearsals: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays after school from 3:45-5:45.
  • Tech Weekend Potlucks: A long-standing Gunn Theatre tradition! From 11am-4pm both weekends before opening night, March 5th-6th, and March 12th-13th.

    All the parents provide food for the hard-working students! Please sign up, using the links for each day, below! (Under Cast & Crew Potlucks)
  • Gala and Pre-show Talk, at 6pm on opening night (3/17). Please sign up to help with setup and food prep.

Cast & Crew Potlucks

Please, please, sign up below to keep our young actors fed and happy! Sign up often and for as many items as you are able to contribute. We’ll have up to 70 teenage mouths to feed, and we just can’t do it without everyone contributing something!

Saturday, March 5, 2016Italian Potluck
Sunday, March 6, 2016Asian Potluck
Saturday, March 12, 2016Mexican Potluck
Sunday, March 13, 2016American Potluck

Questions? E-mail Tania Goldszmidt, Gunn Theatre Potluck Coordinator

Cast List

3/17, 3/19, 3/25, 3/26 mat3/18, 3/23 mat, 3/24, 3/26 eve
TheseusThe Duke of Athens, has recently won a war against the Amazons, and to reward himself for his victory is going to marry their queen Hippolyta, whether she likes it or not.Max
Egeusa courtier at Theseus’s court and his master of revels.Grace B.
PhilostrateTheseus’s Master of the Revels. The Duke sends him to encourage everybody in Athens to celebrate his wedding and have a festive time during the four days leading up to the ceremony.Henry
HippolytaQueen of the Amazons. Having been defeated in battle by Theseus, she is now betrothed to him.Maggie
Lysandera young man of Athens, of good family and fortune.AndresNick
DemetriusNot the most admirable of young men. Having wooed Helena and won her heart, he shifts his attentions to Hermia, who will have none of him, but whose father favors him.BenSam
HermiaEgeus’s daughter. In love with Lysander, she refuses to marry Demetrius despite the threat of death for her refusal.YasmineViva
HelenaA young lady of Athens. She was wooed by Demetrius and remains obsessively, even masochistically in love with him.JesseEmily
Rude Mechanicals/Roadies
Peter QuinceA carpenter with literary pretensions who organizes some fellow workers into preparing a play he has written to present to Theseus and Hippolyta on their wedding day (in which he presents the Prologue).Grace K.
Nick BottomThe weaver, a take-charge sort of fellow, and a great stage ham who wishes to play all the parts he can in Quince’s play.Barry
Francis FluteA bellows-mender, a young man whose facial hair is only just beginning to grow. His voice may be unbroken.Kyle
Tom SnoutA tinker cast as Pyramus’s father and the Wall in Quince’s play.Anjeli
SnugThe joiner is not the most quick-witted of fellows, and is therefore cast as the lion to avoid his having to learn lines.Rawlins
Robin StarvelingThis tailor portrays Moonshine in Quince’s play.Miranda
The Fairies
OberonKing of Fairies. Proud, angry, and vengeful, he quarrels with Titania for the sake of a changeling boy, and on being refused decides to humiliate her into obedience.Alan
TitaniaQueen of Fairies. Her quarrel with Oberon disturbs nature, but in memory of her votaress, she still refuses to give up the boy who is at the quarrel’s root.Sonya
PuckAlso known as Robin Goodfellow, is an amoral prankster of a spirit. Oberon’s jester, he delights in practical jokes, transforming Bottom for a lark and making him the object of Titania’s love.Kiana
PeasebottomA fairy of Titania’s court. Commanded by Titania, it is one of the ones to attend on Bottom.Gabie
CobwebA fairy of Titania’s court. Commanded by Titania, it is one of the ones to attend on Bottom.Helen
MothA fairy of Titania’s court. Commanded by Titania, it is one of the ones to attend on Bottom.Alyssa
MustardseedA fairy of Titania’s court. Commanded by Titania, it is one of the ones to attend on Bottom.Chloe S.
DustbunnyOne of Titania’s backups.Olivia E.
FlossOne of Titania’s backups.Zoe
LintOne of Titania’s backups.Victoria
Oberon’s Band
AdvaitAnna A.
Ben S-TCullen
Elizabeth S.Maddie S.
Ruth G.Sebastian

Old “News”:


Audition information for A Midsummer Night’s Dream can be found on the MSN Auditions page.


Callback formation for A Midsummer Night’s Dream can be found on the MSN Callbacks page.

Parent Meeting:

  • Tuesday, February 16: A Midsummer Night’s Dream Cast and Crew PARENTS must meet Tuesday February 16 @ 7pm. Gunn Studio Theatre. If your child is in the cast of A Midsummer Night’s Dream or is a student in Stage Tech, please come at 7pm to find all about the show, what help we’ll need from you (not TOO much, I promise!) and fill out some forms. We’ll start right at 7pm and end before 8! PLEASE COME! We really need you! Thanks, Jim Shelby and Kristen Lo.