Great job, everybody who auditioned! The directors had a very hard time making choices. If your name is listed below, please come at lunch on Wednesday to meet your director and get your script.
The Still Alarm, directed by Declan Flynn
Bob                            Sam Hyrkin
Ed                              Nick Borbolla
First Fireman            Jackson Waschura
Second Fireman       Grace Kuffner
Bellboy                      Edut Birger
Fitting Rooms, directed by Jessy Mckeown
Mariel                        Cadence Calixto
Linda                         Anna Barbier
Rissa                          Maggie Kamb
Kate                           Viva Rose
Tia                              Sonya Beroza
Kahine                                   Annie Hambergen
A Very Potter Musical, directed by Dakota Baker
Voldemort                 Alan Hanson
Dumbledore             Max Mahle
Harry Potter             Andres Goldszmidt
Quirrell                      Julia Axelrod
Ginny                         Sondrine Bontemps
Malfoy                                  Alyssa See-Tho
Cho Chang                Helen Foley
Hermoine                  Yasmine Hamady
Snape                        Emily Liberatore
Cedric                                    Aitan Grossman
Lavender                   Jasmine Pao
Neville                       Rawlins Echeverria
Crabbe                      Nitya Kasturi
Goyle                          Max Sherman
Ron Weasley             Tony Zunino
The Monkey’s Paw, directed by Grace Berger
Son                             Barry Bai
Mother                      Jamie Hatler
Father                        Brian Orsua
Company Rep           .          Victoria Stevens
Narrator                    Ramona Kamb
Narrator                    Zoe McKeown
Morris                        William Tschudy
Camera Obscura, directed by Janine Rogers
Woman                      Allyna Mota Melville
Man                           Ben Lee
Female Voice             Anjali Parikh
Male Voice                 Ben See-Tho
Chemical Reactions, directed by Amber Li
Ike                              Sam Woodbury
Bern                           Henry Alper
Lom                            Kyle Petersen